Androgyny Image
Androgyny Image

American Gladiators, the reality television show, is currently in its second incarnation. The collector's cards at left from the first version highlight three of the staff gladiators including Diamond (top left), Zap (bottom right) and Thunder (bottom left). These real-life superhero-like characters dressed in indistinct lycra suits, had similarly muscled bodies along with their non-gender specific names such as Nitro, Ice and Gemini in addition to the three shown here. Their mimicry of superheroism led them to a highly androgynous state in keeping with the immortal personalities of superheroes in general. As superheroes are generally exempt from the mundane tasks associated with the reality of human existence including shopping, dressing and procreating, the American Gladiators appear similarly aloof in distinguishing themselves from their merely human challengers.

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American Gladiators

Androgyny Image

Androgyny Image